Saturday, December 13, 2008

Saving big!

Alot of people have suggested that I teach others how to save money, but holding a class would be time consuming and possibly not beneficial to everyone's schedule so here's a few places to help you cut down your grocery bill.

(1) - Take a few hours and browse around this site to familiarize yourself because there's quite alot here. There's boards devoted to Publix, Target, Walmart, Winn Dixie and lots more so there are local stores with plenty of help with getting items free or extremely cheap.

(2) Get the Sunday paper inserts, whether you order them or get them from women who don't use them, these are very valuable at times.

(3) Check out for printable coupons as well as

I'll post more tips later but this should start you off on the right frugal footing.


Prayer Needed

Chris received upsetting news the other day, it seems the company may get rid of his department as well as all the men that work with him. We are grateful because it seems the Lord has at least given us a heads-up so that we can begin preparing, but we need this job for obvious reasons.

We hope to have our home paid off in 1 1/2 years but due to this development it may take even longer to pay it off if we lost our income source. Though the Lord has given this early notice to us, it is still unsure of whether they will be getting rid of Chris' department or they are just pondering it. So, we are attempting to keep our hearts focused on the cross and Christ.

Please pray for the following:
(1) That we have food, shelter and clothing provided for us.
(2) That Chris would regain his strength, as his thyroid medicine doesn't seem to be doing anything for his energy level.
(3) That I wouldn't be yoked with worry and lose my focus on Christ and the cross.
(4) That God would help us pay off our home quickly.

Thank you in advance! :-)

No Surgery for J.P.!

Praise God! We got news this week that John Paul won't need surgery for his hydrocele! I had been praying for J.P. because even though the surgery only requires two incisions, it's still general anesthesia, a few prescriptions and one small nick that could make him be sterile for life.

We go back in 6 month's to see if he still has it but we are thanking God that at least he doesn't have to get surgery right now. The doctor seems hopeful that it will be gone in 6 month's but only God can heal up the tissues in his body, so we will still be praying for the little guy.

Glory to God! No surgery for my little boy!

Monday, December 1, 2008

A New Life Chapter

Last night was the first night we started our Jesse Tree, complete with ornament and discussion on how it relates to the gospel. Unfortunetly, the brief verse didn't allow us to get some real meaty discussion going but we did have a bit. I think our little family will really enjoy this tradition for the holidays, because it does seem that our minds, even as Christian people, are focused on the stresses of the holidays and not on what really matter. It's not about parties, food, buying gifts or how much debt you'll have, it's about Christ and the life that was taken so that we could have one.

At church the other day I *won* (YAY!) a book that's normally runs $13 - for only $2 and it's been one that I've thoroughly desired for the last month or so because it has two of my favorite pastor's writing in it. Both John Piper and CJ Mahaney are two of the better pastor's out there in America, and whenever something new comes out by one of them, it's gonna be a good one. The name of the book is called "Worldliness:Resisting the Seduction of a Fallen World". I think it will help as we continually endeavor to push away the lusts of the world and help us keep God in focus. We so often as Christians still desire things that God is so vehemently against, and so I hope this book will not only do a work in my heart but in all those whose hands receive it.

For the past few month's many people know that Chris has been struggling with being lethargic because of a low thyroid, and even though he's been given medication, he still seemed to struggle with not having to spend most of his day sleeping. Well, this left me sort of taking on the role as "Head" as well as "Keeper of the Home" because I ran both of our jobs, only to stumble quite frequently, being left feeling empty and frustrated. I had been crying out to God to fix Chris quick and help me be sustained through all of this, only to feel as though I had been buried under piles of clothes, dirty dishes, upcoming holidays, in-law visits, starting a co-op and so much more. In the same token, I've also had quite a difficult time understanding our Sunday sermons and feel much like a seat warmer on Sunday's because I'm there listening but nothing is sinking in. In and of all this, I ended up at church this Sunday by myself assuming I had to teach a class only to find out I wasn't up. So, I decided to stay and try and focus on worshipping God and loving those who have been placed around me, during the time of worship I had an answer pop into my head. The question was basically, "How am I going to keep going at this? I'm struggling under so much, I need help but can't afford a housekeeper." For heaven's sake, I *am* the house keeper, why pay someone to do my job that's given to me by God. "Work Together. You and Chris have to work together". Gee thanks Lord, so what your saying is I have to convince a sick husband to get up and start working around the house with me? I had a strange peace that what the Lord had said was going to be practical and effective starting ASAP. I called Chris to follow up on some family business and headed out to run some errands. I didn't get a chance to attempt to hear the sermon due to some "health issues" but I had an answer from God himself and that trumped what anyone could say. After running errands I came home and before I had even a chance to speak with Chris about what I had seen, he broke in and told me that he had an answer to getting our home finally in order. The Lord had moved in Chris and gave him the realization that we both had to work together and stop making up our own little to-do's lists opposite of each other. It had to be God, because even though Chris and I have had the same thoughts while looking at the same thing, at this time we were both in completely different places and the Lord moved to answer our needs. Yesterday was the first time we started doing chores together and the strange thing is, it actually did work out to benefit our family and we got so much done. We washed dishes together, prepped smoothies for Chris' breakfast and lunch, made rice milk, made lunch and dinner for the next day and even managed to get the kids to bed at a decent hour. I'm totally elated! Hopefully, this little rhythm we get into will also help us get to church earlier and allow fellowship to be more meaningful.

I also wanted to share, what some have seemingly assumed to be an insult towards them. The more that I've cleaned out my diet, the less I've been able to tolerate what to me, are "environmental toxins". Also known as perfumes, hair spray, scented lotions, body wash, air fresheners, candles, plug ins, laundry detergent and the list goes on. If I step back from you, know that it's not because you got bad breath or B.O. but that you likely have something on you that can cause me to have health issues. These health issues start out as asthma, and then turn into uncontrollable tics like scratching, rocking back and forth, sensations of spiders crawling up my skin, shaking, constant movement, stuttering and speech problems. If I tell a doctor this, I'll be diagnosed with Tourettes or Parkinsons Disease for sure and there's no medicine/cure for either so why go down that road. I love my spiritual family but it's embarrassing for me to have these things kick in while in public, so if I back away from you, don't be insulted. Really, you smell good! But it's hard for me to suffer going through these things for upwards of 3-4 hours because I pass you in the hallway or hug you. I'd hug you for a half hour (though that might get looks LOL) to show the deep appreciation and love I have for you (in Christ) but I'd rather not have the strange looks from others when my asthma and tics kick in. Oh, and the frosting on the cake, I also endure no focus, no concentration and if asked my age, I'm not even able to put two numbers together to give you an answer. So, I love you, but so that I can bask in the family of God, don't be offended if I step back or put a bit of distance between us. :-)

And finally, I'm hoping to write a whole post on the command of God to "Be fruitful and multiply", and though it's going to be a post, it's more of a challenge for me to get to the scriptures and seek out what the Lord has to say on bearing "fruit". I myself have always struggled with having a method of birth control to help space out the time in between births but it's always been human opinions but I'm hoping to delve more into the Word of God.

Love to you and yours, and may your family stay healthy in a season when many are ill.
Much love. CD