Saturday, December 13, 2008

Saving big!

Alot of people have suggested that I teach others how to save money, but holding a class would be time consuming and possibly not beneficial to everyone's schedule so here's a few places to help you cut down your grocery bill.

(1) - Take a few hours and browse around this site to familiarize yourself because there's quite alot here. There's boards devoted to Publix, Target, Walmart, Winn Dixie and lots more so there are local stores with plenty of help with getting items free or extremely cheap.

(2) Get the Sunday paper inserts, whether you order them or get them from women who don't use them, these are very valuable at times.

(3) Check out for printable coupons as well as

I'll post more tips later but this should start you off on the right frugal footing.


1 comment:

Farmhouse Blessings said...

So glad that you stopped by for a visit! I've added your name to my cookie jar for tomorrow's apron drawing. Best wishes.

Thanks for the tips. I'm always looking for ways to live more frugally.

Wishing you joy,