Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Awesome Produce Deals

Now is the time for berries so get them fresh while you can, the crops in Starke were pretty badly damaged so they are most likely Driscoll's brand which I believe are coming out of California.

Food Lion
Strawberries/1lb $2.50 ea
Blueberries/1 Pint $2.50 ea
Mangos $.99 ea
Sweet Potatoes $.89lb

Winn Dixie
Strawberries/1lb $2.50ea
Blueberries/1 Pint $2.50ea
5lb Bag Russet Potatoes/ 5lb Bag $2.00

Organic Strawberries/ 1lb $2.50 ea
Cantaloupes / $2.00ea (not bad in comparison to the normal $3.99 ea)
Commercial Strawberries 1lb Container 2/$4
Raspberries 5.6oz 2/$4

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