Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Where are we now?

Unfortunately, with 3 children it's just crazy to sit down and blog while baking and cooking from scratch three meals a day + snacks. But I want to start getting back into it because I need some artistic form of expression every now and then.

So, here's an official break down of where we are now:

Baby Shiloh was born 9/18/09 at 6lbs12oz with blue eyes and red hair along with an ASD and VSD within her tiny heart. She had surgery to repair her heart March 18th, which is her 6 month old b-day with with a wonderful surgeon named Dr Mark S Bleiweis. Her surgeon and his staff treated her like a cherub and kept such a close eye on her that she was discharged after only 5 days. She's now at 9 month's old, still with scars left over from her main surgical site as well as the two holes where she had chest tubes. God is good and has given her such a strong immune system and just an over all wonderful attitude. She's is however delayed in sitting, rolling and crawling and has since started up doing PT once a week at Brooks Rehabilitation. I'm currently planning her birthday party and think since she's Daddy's Princess we will have to go with a pink girlie party. Though she of course won't remember it, for us it will be a momentous day because we had not expected her to survive surgery and yet our mighty God brought everyone through it.

John Paul (now 2, will be 3 on November 17, 2010) is currently getting ready to have a Speech and Occupational Therapy evaluation to see where he is currently. We have also learned that John has what's called Sensory Integration Dysfunction and though each day is a struggle, I know that the Lord is putting me through this so that I can learn to have compassion on those who will be in the same place. He also has multiple foods allergies which keep me constantly on my toes, just one slip of a no-no food and our day is shot.

Dominic (turning 5 on November 3, 2010) is an avid artist and loves to draw on his little magnetic scribble pad. Dom seems to have a symbiotic connection with his sister who seems to have a mirror personality to her older brother. He's a great big brother who loves the opportunity to change her diaper, feed her and hold her. He's growing up so fast, what a great little man he's becoming! His Sensory Integration Dysfunction has improved as he ages and learns to overcome obstacles but I believe he will continue to live with dietary restrictions due to chemical sensitivities.

Our household has changed to a gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free, wheat-free, corn-free , yeast-free and Kosher diet for the betterment of everyone's sensitivities. Though Chris is allowed to eat corn because he can pretty much eat darn near everything without an allergic reaction. It sucks that he can handle practically anything but he's healthy in his own way and that's what a wife and kids need, a healthy daddy to support and run the family.

I recently came back from my Feingold Annual Meeting and greatly enjoyed being surrounded by people who hold the same desires for better eating that I have. I feel encouraged to push on in my pursuit for healthy eating and a healthier family. Being active allows us to be able to serve each other as well as family (bio and church that is).

My Goals for the remainder of the year are:
(1) Get Dominic started in Pre-K
(2) Find a good gluten-free substitute for biscuits, yeast-free cinnamon rolls, yeast-free and gluten free sandwich bread
(3) Get our old house organized and get rid of things we don't need
(4) spend more "us" time with my husband
(5) learn what things to stockpile and what not to
(6) wait for the Lord to decide what to do with our car (sell or donate) and be willing to accept whatever is best
(7) reach out to struggling wives who I'm close to

I'm sure I'll add more as the Lord allows things to be put on my plate.
Hopefully, time will allow me to get on more often now that our season is changing up again.


~Anastazia~ said...

I totally udnerstand the challenges of living with dietary restrictions, though they're not as severe as what you're dealing with...but you sound like your commitment is keeping it from getting overwhelming, & you're so blessed to have a godly husband to be there to stand behind you as you face these challenges...
...God has chosen you to parent these precious little ones because He knew you could be trusted with them to seek to meet all their needs, & care for them with such devotion in their day, they will thank you, but until then, He thanks you every day by pouring out your blessings in your lives, both big & small...

...I like your goals for the rest of the year (how do you keep the list so managable??? I start a list like that & it ends up WAY too long to EVER accomplish in FIVE years! Haha!) especially the one regarding surrendering to God's will, & allowing Him to use you to be available to minister to the woman He sends your way! There is SUCH a need for this in the body of Christ, & so few seem to have any time to do this! Perhaps if even one had reached out to me, I'd still be married...(though he made the decision to go in the direction he did...still, I had no clue how to be a Godly wife, & just stumbled along as God healed me from my past, not having a clue how to handle things when he began falling into deception...I did the best I could to rely on God through it all, but was overwhelmed, & felt very, very alone...)

Here's a google search for gluten-free cinnamon rolls (that's what I thought you wrote first)...

...& for YEAST free ones!

Gluten-free buscuits:

Gluten-free sandwhich bread:

Hope you'll find some recipes that work for you...I know it's hard to find time to get online & search so I thought I'd try to do the first steps for you...

God bless you! I look forward to foloowing your blog & adventures with the life you've been so blessed to have with your beautiful family!

~Anastazia~ said...

Sorry they didn't show up as live links! I hope they're not too big to cut'n'paste!

A Beautiful Mess said...

Anastazia - I try really hard to keep my goal list simple honestly. I do have things that are other to-do's but after reading a book called "Shopping For Time by Carolyn McCulley", I started prioritizing things. God gives us 24 hours in a single day so we better use it wisely.

Thanks so much for your kind words and for grabbing those links for me!

Check out the Shopping For Time book because it's got tons of great advice, if you get time. ;-)

Look forward to chatting with you more down the road through my blog and FB.

A Beautiful Mess said...

Oops! I meant to say Shopping For Time by Carolyn Mahaney, not McCulley.