B.O.B. stands for Bug-Out-Bag and it's designed to be your go-to bag when things get nasty. It's designed to keep you stocked for 24-48 hours while you assess your current situation. I made this up for my mom since she's out in the boonies and I want her to be safe just in case the weather gets bad.
You also want to have a box filled with extra supplies and food along with any secondary supplies. This is more so designed if there were to be a terrible disaster and you needed more than just 2 days of supplies. You add your own clothing, toothbrush, toothpaste, OTC meds, prescription meds, forks, spoons, knives. Most people also have duct tape, paper towels, tweezers, a bulb syringe, sunblock, bug spray, sewing kit, and a medicine cup that can be added as well.
Momma's Bag
- Medical Tape
- Gauze Pads
- Gauze Rolls
- Cotton Balls
- Antibiotic Cream
- Cold Packs
- Hydrocortisone Cream
- ACE Bandage
- Thermometer
- Assorted Bandages
- Disposable Gloves
- Q Tips
2 Ponchos
1 Bottle Tylenol
1 Bottle Aspirin
1 Deodorant
2 3-Pks Batteries
1 Bottle Hand Sanitizer
1 Container Wylers Drink Mix
2 Boxes Instant Chicken Soup Mix
1 Bag Banana Chips
1 Pkg. Baby Wipes
2 Water Bottles
1 Flashlight
1 Pkg. P.B. & Cheese Crackers
2 Bags Trail Mix
1 Pkg. Saltines
1 can Tuna Fish
1 can Chicken
1 box Granola Bars
1 3-Pk Cup O' Noodles
1 Bag Sugar-Free Candy
Secondary Supplies
a.k.a. Momma's Box
Red Medical Supply Box:
- 1 bottle Antacid pills
- 1 bottle multi vites
- 1 bottle antihistamine pills
- 12 cough drops
- 1 hand sanitizer
- Q Tips
- 8 Packets of Electrolyte Mix
- 1 tube A&D ointment

- 1 pkg gas meds
- 1 pkg pepto bismuth
- 1 pkg laxative tablets
- 1 pkg heartburn medications
- 1 bottle eye drops
- 1 pkg anti-diarrhea meds
1 Tarp
1 Rope
1 10-Pack Matches
2 Rolls T.P.
1 bottle Iodine
1 bottle Hydrogen Peroxide
1 bottle Alcohol
1 bottle witch hazel

1 box ziplock bags
1 box aluminum foil
1 3-Pack Lighters
1 can opener
2 bottles pedialyte
1 bottle saline
1 box alcohol pads
2 jars petroleum jelly
2 bars soap
1 pkg sanitary wipes
2 pkgs disposable wipes
1 deodorant
1 3-Pk Bungee Cords
2 Box Cutters
What I Spent & Where I Got It
Green Bag - $5.33 @ The Salvation Army
First Aid Kit (clear box in B.O.B.) $5.35 @ Big Lots
Blue Tarp (in Momma's Box) $4.28 @ Big Lots
Red Fishing Box $.50 @ Garage Sale
T.P & Cotton Balls from my house
Everything Else $100.58 (94 Items) @ The Dollar Tree
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