Monday, July 19, 2010

Bitterness & The Wife

I've learned over the last year or so that bitterness is something that all women have struggled with at some point. Sadly, bitterness comes with alot of baggage, things like selfishness, anger, malice, self-righteousness and much more.

How can you tell if bitterness has taken root? Review the questions below and answer them with absolute truth.

(1) When asked about your relationship, do you go on an endless tirade about his sins?
(2) Is it difficult for you to speak lovingly of him?
(3) Does your body cringe if he tries to hug or kiss you?
(4) Does the idea of sex with your husband make a multitude of excuses come to your mind?
(5) Do you respond to your husband's sexual advances with an unloving and selfish attitude?
(6) Does your husband never meet your expectations?
(7) Do you rejoice in hearing others "discipline" or put down your husband?

If you answer yes to these questions then I would submit to you that bitterness has taken root in your heart and the best way to combat bitterness, is to take flight to the Word of God and meditate on scriptures that will help you in your war on sin. Whether you know it or not, every day you are in the war zone and sinful temptation will rear it's head morning, noon and night.

Ephesians 4: 25-32
Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another. Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger,and give no opportunity to the devil. Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need. Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

Matthew 6:14
For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

Proverbs 15:1
A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

James 1:19
Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God. Therefore put away all the filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.

1 Corinthians 7:2-5
But because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband. The husband should give to his wife her conjugal rights, and likewise the wife to her husband. For the wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. Likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. Do not deprive one another, except perhaps by agreement for a limited time, that you may devote yourselves to prayer; but then come together again, so that Satan may not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.

My hope is to continue to seek out God's word so that I can be ready to combat my tendencies towards bitterness and through my searching I hope to share what I've gone through and hopefully you and other women will learn from my stumbling blocks.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Gluten Free Gone Frugal

Finally, my blog of recipes is set up. Enjoy!

Shiloh's Testimony

I've been wanting to sit down for some time now and write out baby Shiloh's testimony of what God has done in her life (so far) and as well as our family. It took hours to write this but keep in mind as a mom I had numerous interruptions so I'm sure there are plenty of punctuation mistakes and misplaced words, so be patient. And even though you might look at it and think it's long, I actually left out quite a bit. ;-)

When I found out that I was pregnant, I was in the wee weeks of the first trimester and trying heavily to accept where we were in life at that particular season. Numerous individuals were being laid off at my husband's job so we knew the possibility was coming and we prayed earnestly all while preparing for the worst. I hoped for the best and even had plans to do some exciting for my birthday with our little growing family on the upcoming Friday. But slowly the week moved on and about (I believe) Thursday evening I looked up to see Chris walk through the door with a solemn look as if his heart had just been broken. He got the news that day that he had been laid off with about 20-30 other individuals that day, and that it was all about the numbers. We struggled to fight back sinful desires of anger, bitterness and hate because Chris had invested so much love and time into a company that dropped him like he meant nothing. The evening remained a solemn environment, attempting to try to see God's hand in this job loss with us making a final decision to pray and seek out some rest for the night.

My birthday it seems just came and went because money was tight, and about to get tighter. I couldn't fathom how a good God could possible allow me to get pregnant and then turn right around and allow my husband to get laid off. I think one of the most difficult things about being in a female body is the amount of hormones and fear that we let lead us, and fear certainly was taking hold of my heart. It was in this fearful mindset where I actually had the thought of aborting our child. I sat down and logically tried to figure out what to do. On one hand, I was pregnant with no insurance and had a husband with no job what-so-ever. We had received some money from his job because of him being laid off, but the amount though more then we expected was certainly not enough to pay for a birth in the hospital. On the other hand, we could learn humility and go on medicaid to help pay for the birth. Bare down, accept that in love we had created this child together and that God was going to see it through.

I logically spent a few moments going back and forth over the options, though it seemed like hours. How could I possibly tell my sons later in their life that I had aborted (= murdered) their baby sister? How could I tell our parents? Would I go behind my husband? Could I really end a life that God purposely put in my womb? I knew that God over all was the one who decided whether or not a woman's womb was to be fertile. Over and over again I heard the pro-choice arguments that a woman's body is her own.

In frustration I clenched my fist and growled knowing that these arguments I had heard were not based on trusting God and nor were they for my child's best benefit. They were the voices of those who run in fear, who denounce God, and most likely those who were selfishly running after momentary pleasures. I had enough and decided that come hell or high waters, this kid was mine and no body was telling me otherwise.

Within the next few weeks we were able to establish medicaid for myself and the children so our medical issues would be taken care of. Numerous interviews were scattered throughout our weekly plans, and occasionally Chris would take a job only to have God shorten his time there and back into unemployment he would go. It seemed like an endlessly painful roller coaster ride and by gosh I wanted off!

It was nearing the middle of my pregnancy and therefore the exciting news that we were going to have yet another son to play with our two rambunctious boys. Now, I should say that myself and many members of my family thought that Dominic and John Paul were going to be girls and because they were so sure they purchased numerous pink and red outfits. Alas, I didn't get to see either child in any of them. I truly believed that God was going to make me a momma of males. I rationalized that since I was raised up by males and with them that therefore, God was going to be sane and make me only have boys. What the heck would I do with a girl anyways? My whole life has been filled with tonka trucks, G.I. Joe's and building blocks, and that was just some of the toys I had access to. But the time came for our sonogram and low and behold, no additional appendages were found. It was a girl! Finally, I wouldn't be swimming in the "testosterone pool" anymore!

At home I yanked out the outfits that had sat for four years in some dusty old boxes awaiting the time for when we had finished our season of baby making only to pass them on, still with tags to another family. In the previous month's we were so sure that God was giving us another boy, we had names ready to go but now we had to decide on a female's name. We went back and forth literally for weeks trying to come up with a name for her because we needed to give her just the perfect name, she was our first daughter after all. Finally near the end of my pregnancy we settled on Shiloh Evangeline, roughly translated Shiloh means "His gift" or "he/she who was sent by God" and Evangeline means "bearer of good news".

The remaining days went quickly and finally on September 9th, at 9:32 pm and weighing in at 6lbs 13ozs we met our first daughter, Shiloh Evangeline de Vidal. She had the exact same red hair her brothers had but unlike her brothers she had deep brown eyes. What a cutie! She had a difficult first few hours but we were discharged a few days later with a clean bill of health. Or so we thought.

We made her first week appointment and it was at that time we were hit with the news that she had some type of heart murmur. The doctor tried to assure us that it was common and that many babies simply lose it within the first weeks. Still an appointment was made for baby Shiloh at a cardiologists office since the doctor wanted to be absolutely sure nothing was serious. Once there they did a series of tests to try and determine what was the cause and within just a few tests it became obvious to them that she had not one but two holes in her tiny heart. To say I was broken is an understatement. Had I not just spent 9 month's carrying a kid that at one point, I actually thought of aborting? I did good didn't I? Why was God putting us on yet another nasty roller coaster? Why was he punishing us, more specifically, why was he punishing me? I tried really hard during that appointment to keep the tears from flowing, partially because I needed to turn around and explain all this to our family and partially because I didn't want other people seeing me cry. After all, a mom is supposed to keep a stiff upper lip during difficult times, right?

It was an absolute whirl wind during this time, countless interviews for Chris, numerous doctors appointments for all the kiddos all while trying to hold down the budget. Our marriage was on the rocks, I was a sinner and I had married one as well. To say that we were having marital problems is an understatement, because I believe you actually have to have conversations with one another to have problems. It was more like barking and hissing with rare pleasantries in front of the kids to be honest. Again our family got hit hard, Shiloh contracted RSV and needed to be put into the hospital for monitoring due to her heart problems. Could it really get any worse? Was God ever going to take me from sorrow to joy at some point? It was actually while in the hospital that God moved in just such a way that a job opening came available and a good friend of Chris' had put in for him to get an interview. We got a phone call for an interview but Chris explained he hadn't shaved or had a suit and was in fact at the hospital with his daughter that very moment. They didn't care how he looked and wanted him to come in for an interview as soon as possible. We scrambled! My mom came down to care for the kids that day and I was then freed to go watch over Shiloh while Chris got interviewed.

It was about 2 weeks from the interview and Chris was back to working again, and we finally had the ability to pay off debt while squirreling away money for the future. Both of us knew that Shiloh was most likely going to have surgery and in the back of our minds we knew that surgery didn't come cheap in our country, or any for that matter. Slowly we could see the sun on the horizon, things seemed like just maybe God was for us and not against us.

At around five month's old the cardiologist made it official, baby Shiloh would need to have open heart surgery to repair her ASD and VSD openings in her heart. Though we hoped for the holes to close, one in particular actually got bigger due to the immense pressure from blood flow. Again we scrambled to get things in order for me to leave with Shiloh to Gainsville while Chris and my Mother stayed behind to care for our family. Chris wanted to stay behind because he knew the danger of asking for time off after only being hired very recently, but through events his boss found out that Shiloh was having surgery and darn near ordered Chris to travel to Gainsville with us and even assured him that his job was safe.

On March 16th we said our goodbyes to the kids and gave a brief explanation of why we had to take Shiloh away for awhile. It's hard trying to assure two toddlers that things were going to be okay, all while facing the very sobering reality that we might not come back with her alive. Both the cardiologist and cardiac surgeon gave high survival rates for her particular surgery but we were very aware that this surgery wasn't an easy one either, there's always the possibility of something unforeseen coming up. We spent the night in Gainsville and rose early the next morning to spend the whole day doing blood work , sonograms and my favorite, paperwork!

I stayed up all night watching over her, carefully feeding her when the doctor's office indicated. In between feedings I would break down in the bathroom while Chris slept, trying hard to keep it all together. If I said that God was going to heal her heart miraculously over night before the surgery and he didn't, would that mean my faith was weak? If I said that I trusted the surgeon's hand while operating, and something slipped, was it my lack of faith or the doctor's lack in skill? If I said that God was going to work things out but allowed her to not make it through the surgery, what excuse would I use to explain what happened? I spent what seemed like eternity posing questions to myself until out of complete exhaustion I passed out early in the wee hours of Thursday.

My husband woke me at 5:00am with a whopping two hours under my sleep belt, I explained my exhaustion and we had a brief spat over my lack of sleep before her big surgery. We still were having marital difficulties at the time and the possibility of our daughter dying weighed hard on our shoulders, adding more stress and frustration. I passed back out even though everything in me desired to get back up and be there for my daughter before she was taken away. My husband had decided that he would take my daughter to surgery since there was really nothing neither he or I could do to help, it was just best for me to rest and him to carry this load. I got a kiss on the head with an explanation of what his plans were and out the door he went. I wish I could say that there was this moment of tranquil submission to him but I sat up in bed and logically thought out that: (A) I could cuss this man out for all he's worth for daring to take my daughter away from me and for not allowing me enough time to get ready and prep before her surgery or (B) Lay my butt back down and consider this a blessing from my husband; a desire of his to show me compassion. I thought the more Godly road would be option B and I genuinely tried to lay down and sleep. I needed to feel like I was at least doing "something" so I got up and repacked all the stuff that I had unpacked the previous nights and then crawled back in bed and took a much needed snooze. While this was going on Chris was at the hospital with Shiloh preparing for surgery and even though I've always thought him stronger than I, he was having his weak moments too as he faced the very real possibility of losing his only daughter.

Chris and Shiloh had been sitting in a pre-op room while everything was being set up for surgery, a good opportunity to capture a few moments before she was taken away. That time came and the nurses assured him they would keep him updated throughout the surgery, with this Chris was free to go back to the hotel and wait with his Father who had arrived just for the surgery. I waited upstairs going back and forth between sleep and tv while downstairs Chris, his Father and his Father's friend waited patiently in the lobby for any news. Both our cell phone's kept ringing as we tried desperately tried to give everyone an update on where we were at that moment and took updates from the nursing staff. We got the final call that her surgery was indeed a success and that we could come back and be able to see her soon. Because it was so late in the day, his dad and friend had to leave due to work schedules but at least wanted to be there for us as long as they could. We quickly headed down to the hospital eager to see our baby girl and how things were going.

Hand in hand we moved quickly to the recovery area, passing up rooms, each one filled with a child who was struggling to live, just like our little Shiloh. When we first entered her room, the sights and smells just overwhelmed me, in one area I could hear a machine gurgling that was attached to her chest tubes, bells going off when medications were empty and chatter from the medical staff. My senses were overloaded on top of seeing my daughter with tubes coming out from all over her body and a rather large incision down her tiny chest. I couldn't take anymore, I took about five steps back and stood motionless. As a mother you instinctively know that when your child(ren) is suffering you jump into action and do whatever it takes to stop that suffering so they can feel better. There wasn't anything I could do at that moment and it hit me like a ton of bricks. Chris knew I had hit my breaking point and consoled me while I wept. He felt it best for me to go back to the hotel and rest while he carried the burden of watching over our daughter while she recouped.

Day after day I would return to visit, bringing Chris food and checking on Shiloh's progress. Each day we looked forward to seeing the PA or surgeon as they were the one's that gave the okay for tubes or wires to be removed. Finally, on the fifth day the surgeon felt like she would be able to go back to Jacksonville and they released her into our care. We stayed overnight in Gainsville so that we could rest up before making the trip back home.

Every day since Shiloh has been released she makes small steps towards becoming a normal little girl and even though she is currently taking physical therapy there is a good outlook for her life. In just two month's she will officially be 1 year old and her birthday will mark 6 month's after surgery without any complications thus far.

There was a time when I would say to my husband that God had dealt with me very bitterly through this but now I can say that God has turned my tears of sorrow into tears of joy. For my husband, God has allowed him to have his daughter who is daddy's best friend (next to mommy). And my little boys have a sister who they are eager to run around with as soon as she learns.

Under Construction!

I'm moving my GF recipes over to another blog that I've created so if you should see them start to disappear, please know they will be moved over soon enough. You will also see some new additions as well as the old stuff.

The purpose of this is to have a searchable GF list of my safe recipes for myself and to share with other families.


Friday, July 9, 2010


Thank God It's Friday! Have mercy what a week but God has been giving both of us a huge amount of energy to take on our tasks. On Wednesday I was able to take Shiloh into the physical therapist and learned a few more techniques to get her crawling around and sitting up a little better. It's almost like fun exercise for Shiloh but like being in school for me. I even get sent home with homework on occasion. :-)

After Shiloh's PT we headed over to our other place and cleaned up all the rooms, basically trashing things, organizing boxes, figuring out what to donate or sell. When we moved into our apartment we only carried our beds, clothing and food so that we would minimize the chances of bringing mold into the current place. So needless to say we left a heck of alot of toys, clothes, games, computer stuff and much more. We downsized so much that we got everything too fit into 2 closets. Within the next few months we hope to be able to start tearing down the walls that have mold on them and just allow it to air out before putting up anything new. I'd hate to somehow leave some mold and end up having to play this out all over again.

Thursday, we returned to the house to finish up whatever we could do hoping that we would finish before the weekend but alas we got tired and when Chris brought me home it was to late for him to return and finish up labeling the boxes.

This morning was yet again another busy day as Chris had early morning accountability and when he returned I had to take John for a speech evaluation , which astonishingly enough only lasted about 10 minutes and the lady had all she needed. We found out that John is also advanced in his speech much farther then many two year old children. Then off we went to Dr Nathans for an adjustment for both JP and I. It was amazing because John actually asked to be put onto the adjustment chair and knew exactly how to lay for him to get the adjustment. It was very weird because the whole office got quiet and the two women at the front desk came to watch in awe as this little guy willingly allowed his body to be adjusted. I think almost the whole darn time he was smiling and just has a peaceful "glow" to him as if he was feeling much better. John is our little daredevil that enjoys anything that will get him "war wounds" or bruises so he actually *needs* an adjustment weekly. I'm so hoping that as soon as his daddy takes up some kind of self defense class, John can toddle his little booty to class with him and let out some energy.

I'm stuffed full of homemade tortillas, yellow rice, shredded iceberg lettuce and ground beef so I think I'm going to sign off now and see about folding some clothes. Then - to bed, to bed I go!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Every husband should take a week off..

My husband decided to take a week off so that he can catch up on his huge to-do list and I think I'm truly getting spoiled having someone else around the house to help take care of the kiddies. It's nice to be free to go when I need to and not worry about preparing snacks, drinks and undies (or diapers) for three children. I must confess there's probably a bit of selfishness there but hey, it really is nice to have help. And on top of that, one of my most trusted helpers!

Today Chris got to babysit Shiloh (aka the woobie!) while I took the testosterone twins to their occupational therapy. Dominic is still expected to be there for another 14 weeks at one visit a week but we did get some awe-mazing news from Mrs. Beth the therapist. We had originally thought John Paul had severe Sensory Integration Dysfunction only to be told today that in fact he is frustrated because he isn't being stimulated enough and is actually advanced in many areas. What a mind blow that was! She told us that he has some skills that a 4-5 year old child usually has and that she has no need for a follow up visit. Oh my gosh! What a blessing from God to find out that our kid not only doesn't have SID but that he's actually advanced. Woo Hoo! So now comes my part of having to work hard to find things for him to do. I must confess that I'm tempted to put the little booger in school; Mrs. Beth even gave us the go ahead if we wanted to!

Tomorrow will be another busy day! I need to take Shiloh to the physical therapist so that she can get assessed to see how she is progressing after one week with her homemade "hip helper". She has finally started eating from a spoon so maybe within the next week or so she will finally make the big transition to sitting upright and crawling around on the floor. Oh, and Grandma is coming into town so don't you know the boys will be just tickled! While G'ma is here Chris has plans for us to have a small date and then we are heading over to our old house to do some serious house cleaning. Our plan is to repack, toss, recycle, sell and/or donate as much junk as we can! God will have to give us an extra measure of energy tomorrow to get through all our obstacles.

Signing off for now - here's hoping your tomorrow is less crazy than mine! :-)

Tuesday Menu

Pancakes *
Applegate Farms Turkey Bacon
Banana (for John) and Cantaloupe (for Dominic)

Yellow "Saffron" Rice *
Meatloaf *
Green Beans & Baby Carrots
Peach Cobbler **

Late Snack:
Left overs and rice cakes

* Recipe listed on website
** Recipe coming soon!

Monday, July 5, 2010

This Momentary Marriage

I believe this was one of the books that I either requested or it came as part of a John piper set and it has been one of the most profound books to help root out my sinful nature. When Chris & I got married we truly were without a clue and our marriage and covenant to God was in danger. With Chris, his parents were separated and even though he walked the walk and talked the talk, he was far from serving the Lord. I've survived rape, molestation, mental and physical abuse and all of that carried over into a marriage all while believing that my past really was just that, my past.

If Chris and I had this book when we first started out we might have cut through all the crap and been able to get down and honest with each other struggles and strengths. I've actually recommended this to another couple whose struggling with some serious issues in their marriage and hope it will effect them the same way it effected Chris & I.

Again, it's a wonderful book and even has a section on singles so anyone preparing for marriage would find this helpful.

"Saffron" Rice (the cheap version)

Okay, so this doesn't have any saffron in it because I refuse to pay $6 - $8 for a pinch of vegetation. Chris actually priced the stuff for a lb and it ended up being approx. $400! Holy cow!

Here's the cheap-o frugal version:

* 1 c. brown rice
* 1/4 tsp. turmeric
* 1/8 tsp. garlic powder
* 1/2 tsp. onion powder
* 1 c. water
* 1 1/2 c. chicken broth
* 2 T. olive oil

Bring chicken broth, water and olive oil to a boil. Add remaining ingredients to a saucepan, cover and cook until al dente.

Additional Toss Ins:
- cooked, diced chicken
- bell pepper, diced finely (add with liquid ingredients)
- diced ham or turkey

Chicken Salad

* 1 1/2 c. cooked chicken (I've used both cubed cooked chicken breast or Valley Fresh 100% White Breast Meat canned chicken)
* 1/2 c. celery, finely diced
* 1/2 c. onion, finely diced
1/3 - 1/2 c. Vegenaise (or mayonaise)
Salt & Pepper, to taste

Mix all ingredients together.

Serving Suggestions:
Eat this on a GF tortilla or GF bread with a slice of tomato and lettuce leaves. Or, slice a head of iceberg into fourths and remove the center piece, add a couple spoonfuls of chicken salad. Dice a tomato and sprinkle on top for color. Be sure to serve with a knife and fork. Enjoy!!

What's on the menu?!

For those who might think our diet is severely limited, I've decided to post a few menu's this week and also to inspire those who grow tired of the same ol' thing. And just so you know, our kids either drink coconut milk (only at meals) and water, so we don't do the juice thing.

Monday -

Homemade Pancakes (WF/GF/CF/Corn Free, Dairy Free, Kosher) *
Fresh Cantaloupe
Applegate Farms Turkey Bacon (Yum-O)

Chicken Salad *
Steamed Broccoli
Edward & Sons Rice Crackers (for me & Dom), Lundberg Rice Cakes (for JP)
Raw Baby Carrots

Meatloaf **
Greens Beans
Cooked Baby Carrots
Rice or Vegan Mashed Potatoes

* Recipe recently added or being added soon!
** You can use my recipe for Poor Man's Steak and just make it into a loaf for Meatloaf.

Gluten Free Pancakes

I finally found a good recipe!! Yay!

1 c. white rice flour
1 c. brown rice flour
2 T. sugar
3 tsp. baking powder
1 heaping T. rice protein powder (optional)
1/2 tsp. guar gum
1/2 tsp. salt
4 T. oil
2 1/2 c. coconut milk (or equivalent)

Combine dry ingredients, form a well in the center and to this add liquid ingredients. Whisk until there are no lumps. Mixture will thicken as you beat it. Heat up frying pan, and do be sure to use pan spray. This recipe will make about 12-14 palm sized pancakes.

Optional Add-Ins:
Vegan Chocolate Chips (Enjoy Life Brand are awesome!)
Canned diced peaches (in juice not syrup)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Poor Man's Steak

* 1 lb Ground Hamburger (I happened to be at Native Sun where they had $1.00/1 coupons and wanted to try the Organic Prairie 85/15 Ground beef. It was wonderful! There was just the right amount of fat in the meat to help it stick together and just tasted yummy!)
* 1/3 c. onion, finely chopped
* 1 tsp. salt
* 1/2 tsp. ground mustard
* 2 Dashes white pepper
* 1 heaping T. dried parsley
* 2 tsp. white rice flour

Mix all ingredients together, form into patties and pan fry until no longer pink. You can buy special meat thermometers but I just cook mine until 165-170 degrees.

We served our's with vegan potato salad and sliced carrots w/ green beans.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Fourth of July

Thank you God for the men and women of today and tomorrow who will serve their country by putting their life on the line to save those who can not fight for themselves. Thank you God for knitting people so uniquely that they would desire to stand up for those who are weak or unable to fight.

And thank you God for Christ because his sacrifice gave utmost freedom from oppression!

A MUST HAVE drink!

If you like lemonade then you *must* try Santa Cruz Organic Lemonades! I've had both the traditional lemonade but I think my new favorite drink is the Santa Cruz Organic Peach Lemonade. It comes in Limeade, Lemonade, Mango Lemonade, Raspberry Lemonade, Strawberry Lemonade and of course Peach Lemonade.

Currently these are on sale at our local Whole Foods! You can get a 32oz bottle for only $1.00 each and if you purchase a whole case you get 10% additionally. If you live closer to Native Sun, they currently have the same product on sale for BOGO which brings it to about $1.59 for the same 32oz bottle.

I'm more of a Native Sun shopper because they do more research on what they label gluten free but sometimes for the price I just gotta hit the cheaper store. In this economy with 3 kiddos I gotta save some dough (gluten free that is ^_^ ).

Whether you hit Native Sun or Whole Foods, just go out and grab one when your out this holiday weekend.

A Gluten Free Fourth

Despite the reality that a high percentage of families each tons of gluten on holidays, we, as chemically sensitive family shall have to take the healthy road. That doesn't mean we don't plan on eating well though. My menu below:

Pan Fried Burgers (our weather is just icky this time of year)
- bun free without any fix-in's

Vegan Potato Salad
- most average families mix their salad up with Hellmann's mayo but for me I plan on using yummy veganaise with a spoonful of yellow mustard for tang

Steamed Greens Beans
- just like it says we eat them au naturale with a pinch of sea salt


Peach Cobbler
- I've made this numerous times before and even GF is yummy

So you see, your never out of food options even if you have chemical sensitivities or allergies.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Sweet & Sour Pepper Stir Fry

1 T. olive oil
2 T. Tamari Soy Sauce
1 tsp. ground ginger
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1 T. pineapple juice
1 handful shredded carrot
1 16oz pkg frozen peppers and onions
1 8 ox can pineapple chunks w/ natural juice
2 T brown sugar
2 T. apple cider vinegar
1/8 tsp white pepper
1 T. white flour
1 T. water
4 c. hot cooked brown rice

Saute peppers and onions for 3 minutes in oil. To skillet, add pineapple chunks , pineapple juice plus water to equal 2/3 c. liquid, sugar, vinegar, ginger, soy sauce and pepper. Remove vegetables and pineapple leaving behind juices. Mix water and white flour together to create a paste, stir slowly into skillet continuing to stir until mixture thickens. Return veggies and fruit back to skillet and gently warm. Serve over hot rice.