Friday, July 2, 2010

A Gluten Free Fourth

Despite the reality that a high percentage of families each tons of gluten on holidays, we, as chemically sensitive family shall have to take the healthy road. That doesn't mean we don't plan on eating well though. My menu below:

Pan Fried Burgers (our weather is just icky this time of year)
- bun free without any fix-in's

Vegan Potato Salad
- most average families mix their salad up with Hellmann's mayo but for me I plan on using yummy veganaise with a spoonful of yellow mustard for tang

Steamed Greens Beans
- just like it says we eat them au naturale with a pinch of sea salt


Peach Cobbler
- I've made this numerous times before and even GF is yummy

So you see, your never out of food options even if you have chemical sensitivities or allergies.

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